
What are some examples of 2d Arrays?

An example of a 2D array is what Kush did with Tic Tak Toe. Even on the outputs, you can see the 2D come alive as the X and O’s get placed.

What is a modern day game that could be classified as a 2D array?

Any game like tic tac toe, battleship, checkers, chess could be used and classified as a 2D array. It may not be the most efficient and effective method of making these games, but is entirely possible.

Describe a 2D array in your own words?

A 2d array is basically a data structure built of rows and columns. Occasionally, they have types of data in between these row and columns indexes.


(Iteration Game) How does this relate to iteration?

This game relates to iteration by how you complete the levels. Some of the later levels have loops and how many times it should repeat each loop. Loops are the iteration.

What is the definition of iteration in your own words?

Loops are a type of iteration which runs its defining features depending on its structure and values.

(Game example) Where is there iteration in the code?

There is iteration below the comment “// Push ‘up’ movements to the array”. Shown when “(let l = 0; l < looper; l++)”.


Explain which parts of the code use lists

word_list is defined as a list and used as a word bank for the randomly selected and scrambled word for the game.

Explain what list manipulation is happening in that part

Scrambling the order of the letter is technically manipulating values inside the list

Tic Tac Toe

The game works by making rows and column and then printing or adding something in between said columns. Games that can be made in the same format are checkers, chess, and battleship.

Here is me at level 5

Here is my CPT project, the while loop iterates through the users guesses while checking to see if their answer is correct

Here is an example of list manipulation

Here is a graphic I made showing the differences