
-What colleges we’re interested in

Ashley - Cal State San Marcos

  • works in a quantum computing group
  • Degree in Physics
  • Starting PhD at UCSD
  • You can switch majors
  • All the fields relate to Computer Science

John - Palomar

  • Computer Science, talks about versatility
  • Said he was did rough in highschool

CSteam Departments:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Computer Science

Clubs are important

  • Robotics
  • 3D printing


  • Can find through networking, personal connections, etc.
  • Avoid unpaid internships
  • Don’t feel unqualified, worst they can say is no


  • Stress while pursuing your interests
  • Sometimes there are stipends for summer jobs or more.

Paying for College

  • How to look for a scholarship: search online, on you for finding it
  • How to look for a grant: more of a demographic type of thing
  • Loans: unsubsidized and subsidized loan
  • Unsubsidized: through government, helps you not get into debt. Interest applies immediately
  • Subsidized: 6 month grace period
  • Financial aid office and websites are valuable sources of info
  • Try to avoid debt

Life after CSUSM

  • Internships -> Jobs
  • Graduate school
  • Fasfa covers 6 years
  • Make sure to get paid for effort