Group Notes

AJ Arcade

Some key features and ideas that I saw from this project were executed quite well. One thing I really liked that they did was their leader board that shows users and their scores. This demonstrates API usage with get and post methods to get the individual scores and post it on users pages. As a bonus, it also engages the users as many have a urge to be on top. This brings repeatability to their website. After looking at their API, you can see all the ID, score, and password usage. They also have methods to filter garbage API input.

Dejmo Fitness

This is another website that displays great API usage. The input of user attributes then outputs a diet plan for you. There is an SQLite table that post’s users attributes and data. This is good because it shows the main point of the project having API post and get usage. It is also a good idea because people need a simple tool to get started in their fitness journey.


This project had a unique way of completing the project. User input of news sources gets posted on their website. They also have moderation to get rid of garbage input. Having a get and post for their news definitely was cool to see as this was something that not many replicated.


Even though I couldn’t make it to the event, I had a lot of fun with this project. I didn’t choose the easiest thing to do but not at one bit did I regret it. It took a lot of problem solving and research to finally pull off something that I was ready to give up on. I learned a lot of new things with local storage, deployment, and javascript. I did FaceTime into the event and presented so I wasn’t completely absent from the event. I wish I could’ve been there to show the project I worked so hard on but overall I had a great learning experience.