Model and Object-Oriented Programming
- Class and Object Code
# Werkzeug is a collection of libraries that can be used to create a WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)
# A gateway in necessary as a web server cannot communicate directly with Python.
# In this case, imports are focused on generating hash code to protect passwords.
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
import json
from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today =
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month,
dob1 = date(2010,2,10)
age1 = calculate_age(dob1)
dob2 = date(2001,5,13)
age2 = calculate_age(dob2)
dob3 = date(2012,4,3)
age3 = calculate_age(dob3)
dob4 = date(2006,7,14)
age4 = calculate_age(dob4)
dob5 = date(2009,11,22)
age5 = calculate_age(dob5)
print(age1, age2, age3, age4, age5)
# Define a User Class/Template
# -- A User represents the data we want to manage
class User:
# constructor of a User object, initializes the instance variables within object (self)
def __init__(self, name, uid, password, classOf, dob, age):
self._name = name # variables with self prefix become part of the object,
self._uid = uid
self.classOf = classOf
self.dob = dob
self.age = age
def age(self):
return self._age
def dob(self):
return self._dob
def dob(self, dob):
self._dob = dob
def classOf(self):
return self._classOf
def classOf(self, classOf):
self._classOf = classOf
def is_classOf(self, classOf):
return self._classOf == classOf
# a name getter method, extracts name from object
def name(self):
return self._name
# a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
# a getter method, extracts email from object
def uid(self):
return self._uid
# a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
def uid(self, uid):
self._uid = uid
# check if uid parameter matches user id in object, return boolean
def is_uid(self, uid):
return self._uid == uid
def password(self):
return self._password[0:10] + "..." # because of security only show 1st characters
# output content using str(object) in human readable form, uses getter
def __str__(self):
return f'name: "{}", id: "{self.uid}", psw: "{self.password}", classOf: "{self.classOf}", dob: "{self.dob}", age: "{self.age}"'
# output command to recreate the object, uses attribute directly
def __repr__(self):
return f'Person(name={self._name}, uid={self._uid}, password={self._password}, classOf={self._classOf}, dob={self._dob}, age={self._age})'
# tester method to print users
def tester(users, uid, psw):
result = None
for user in users:
# test for match in database
if user.uid == uid and user.is_password(psw): # check for match
print("* ", end="")
result = user
# print using __str__ method
return result
# place tester code inside of special if! This allows include without tester running
if __name__ == "__main__":
u1 = User(name='Thomas Edison', uid='toby', password='123toby', classOf="2021", dob="2010-2-10", age1)
u2 = User(name='Nicholas Tesla', uid='nick', password='123nick', classOf="2024", dob="2001-5-13", age2)
u3 = User(name='Alexander Graham Bell', uid='lex', password='123lex', classOf="2018", dob="2012-4-3", age3)
u4 = User(name='Eli Whitney', uid='eli', password='123eli', classOf="2015", dob="2006-7-14", age4)
u5 = User(name='Hedy Lemarr', uid='hedy', password='123hedy', classOf="2022", dob="2009-11-22", age5)
# put user objects in list for convenience
users = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5]
# Find user
print("Test 1, find user 3")
u = tester(users, u3.uid, "123lex")
# Change user
print("Test 2, change user 3") = "John Mortensen"
u.uid = "jm1021"
u.classOf = "2016"
u.dob = "1998"
u = tester(users, u.uid, "123qwerty")
# Make dictionary
The __dict__ in Python represents a dictionary or any mapping object that is used to store the attributes of the object.
Every object in Python has an attribute that is denoted by __dict__.
Use the json.dumps() method to convert the list of Users to a JSON string.
print("Test 3, make a dictionary")
json_string = json.dumps([user.__dict__ for user in users])
print("Test 4, make a dictionary")
json_string = json.dumps([vars(user) for user in users])
Before the hack helper, I was able to get date of birth (dob) and classOf done but I ran into a problem with age. If you entered age as age=dob(2020-12-1) then it would show up as a error because json cannot convert that data. All in all, I came pretty close but could not do it before the hack helper
All Completed Hacks w/ Requirements
Add new attributes/variables to the Class. Make class specific to your CPT work.
- Add classOf attribute to define year of graduation
- Add setter and getter for classOf
- Add dob attribute to define date of birth
- This will require investigation into Python datetime objects as shown in example code below
- Add setter and getter for dob
- Add instance variable for age, make sure if dob changes age changes
- Add getter for age, but don't add/allow setter for age
- Update and format tester function to work with changes
Start a class design for each of your own Full Stack CPT sections of your project
- Use new
code cell
in this notebook- Define init and self attributes
- Define setters and getters
- Make a tester
from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today =
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month,
dob1 = date(2010,2,10)
age1 = calculate_age(dob1)
dob2 = date(2001,5,13)
age2 = calculate_age(dob2)
dob3 = date(2012,4,3)
age3 = calculate_age(dob3)
dob4 = date(2006,7,14)
age4 = calculate_age(dob4)
dob5 = date(2009,11,22)
age5 = calculate_age(dob5)
print(age1, age2, age3, age4, age5)
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from datetime import date
import json
class User:
def __init__(self, name, uid, password, dob, classOf):
self._name = name # variables with self prefix become part of the object,
self._uid = uid
self._dob = dob
self._classOf = classOf
def classOf(self):
return self._classOf
# a setter function, allows classOf to be updated after initial object creation
def classOf(self, classOf):
self._classOf = classOf
def name(self):
return self._name
# a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
# a getter method, extracts email from object
def uid(self):
return self._uid
# a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
def uid(self, uid):
self._uid = uid
# check if uid parameter matches user id in object, return boolean
def is_uid(self, uid):
return self._uid == uid
# dob property is returned as string, to avoid unfriendly outcomes
def dob(self):
dob_string = self._dob.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
return dob_string
# dob should be have verification for type date
def dob(self, dob):
self._dob = dob
# age is calculated and returned each time it is accessed
def age(self):
today =
return today.year - self._dob.year - ((today.month, < (self._dob.month,
# dictionary is customized, removing password for security purposes
def dictionary(self):
dict = {
"name" :,
"uid" : self.uid,
"dob" : self.dob,
"age" : self.age,
"classOf" : self.classOf
return dict
# update password, this is conventional setter
def set_password(self, password):
"""Create a hashed password."""
self._password = generate_password_hash(password, method='sha256')
# check password parameter versus stored/encrypted password
def is_password(self, password):
"""Check against hashed password."""
result = check_password_hash(self._password, password)
return result
# output content using json dumps, this is ready for API response
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.dictionary)
# output command to recreate the object, uses attribute directly
def __repr__(self):
return f'User(name={self._name}, uid={self._uid}, password={self._password}, dob={self._dob}, classOf={self._classOf})'
if __name__ == "__main__":
u1 = User(name='Theo Huntalas', uid='theoh', password='123theo', dob=date(2009, 2, 5), classOf='2024')
u2 = User(name='Jake Weight', uid='jakew', password='123jake', dob=date(1992, 6, 19), classOf='2010')
u3 = User(name='Justin Liporada', uid='justinl', password='123justin', dob=date(2010, 1, 12), classOf='2031')
u4 = User(name='Jacob Fuller', uid='jacobf', password='123jacob', dob=date(1977, 9, 26), classOf='2008')
u5 = User(name='Caleb Navarro', uid='calebn', password='123calb', dob=date(2007, 12, 28), classOf='2029')
print("JSON ready string:\n", u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, "\n")
print("Raw Variables of object:\n", vars(u1), vars(u2), vars(u3), vars(u4), vars(u5), "\n")
print("Raw Attributes and Methods of object:\n", dir(u1), dir(u2), dir(u3), dir(u4), dir(u5), "\n")
print("Representation to Re-Create the object:\n", repr(u1), repr(u2), repr(u3), repr(u4), repr(u5), "\n")
import json
from tabulate import tabulate
class User:
def __init__(self, workout, sets, reps, timeToComplete):
self._workout = workout # variables with self prefix become part of the object,
self._sets = sets
self._reps = reps
self._timeToComplete = timeToComplete
# workout GETTER
def workout(self):
return self._workout
# workout SETTER
def workout(self, workout):
self._workout = workout
# sets GETTER
def sets(self):
return self._sets
# sets SETTER
def sets(self, sets):
self._sets = sets
# reps GETTER
def reps(self):
return self._reps
# reps GETTER
def reps(self, reps):
self._reps = reps
# timeToComplete GETTER
def timeToComplete(self):
return self._timeToComplete
# timeToComplete SETTER
def timeToComplete(self, timeToComplete):
self._timeToComplete = timeToComplete
# dictionary is customized
def dictionary(self):
dict = {
"workout" : self.workout,
"sets" : self.sets,
"reps" : self.reps,
"timeToComplete" : self.timeToComplete
return dict
# output content using json dumps, this is ready for API response
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.dictionary)
# output command to recreate the object, uses attribute directly
def __repr__(self):
return f'User(workout={self._workout}, sets={self._sets}, reps={self._reps}, timeToComplete={self._timeToComplete})'
if __name__ == "__main__":
u1 = User(workout='Bench Press', sets='5', reps='12, 8, 6, 4, 3', timeToComplete='15 mins')
u2 = User(workout='Lat Raises', sets='3', reps='9, 9, 9', timeToComplete='6 mins')
u3 = User(workout='Seated Row', sets='4', reps='15, 12, 12, 8', timeToComplete='8 mins')
u4 = User(workout='Leg Extensions', sets='4', reps='15, 12, 12, 12', timeToComplete='10 mins')
u5 = User(workout='Squat', sets='5', reps='5, 5, 5, 5, 5', timeToComplete='12 mins')
print("JSON ready string:\n", u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, "\n")
print("Raw Variables of object:\n", vars(u1), vars(u2), vars(u3), vars(u4), vars(u5), "\n")
print("Raw Attributes and Methods of object:\n", dir(u1), dir(u2), dir(u3), dir(u4), dir(u5), "\n")
print("Representation to Re-Create the object:\n", repr(u1), repr(u2), repr(u3), repr(u4), repr(u5), "\n")
print(tabulate([[u1.workout, u1.sets, u1.reps, u1.timeToComplete], [u2.workout, u2.sets, u2.reps, u2.timeToComplete], [u3.workout, u3.sets, u3.reps, u3.timeToComplete],[u4.workout, u4.sets, u4.reps, u4.timeToComplete],[u5.workout, u5.sets, u5.reps, u5.timeToComplete]], headers=['Workout Name','Sets','Reps','Time to Complete'], tablefmt='orgtbl'))