“Blogging may waste your time now, but will save your future later” -Mr. Mortensen

Major Topics

Github Analytics

Github Analytics

College Board Multiple Choice


K is incremented by 2 and not 1 so the loop will run less times and be 7 not 17


The answer I chose wasnt correct because it wasnt accessible beyond its scope. I need to include the ()


I just forgot the Math.abs() function


I didn’t see the no parameter constructor


I just dont get this one


I just got in my head about this one and picked at random. One of those questions where its so simply you like freak out


Once row is 3, the if condition is true and row is assigned 0 and col is incremented to 1. The algorithm proceeds to fill column 1. When the for loop terminates, newArray contains the following values { {1, 4, 7}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 6, 9} }. The value of newArray[][2] is 7


Any updates made when mystery is called are being made on the single array that is reference by both data and values so the answer would be 5 7 8 11 19

Scrum Board and Organization



  • U3: .95
  • U4: .90
  • U5: .93
  • U6: .95
  • U7: .9
  • U8: .9

Mean: .92


  • Teamwork is key. Sometimes when everything seems lost, you need to rely on your teammates. They bring unique perspectives and a differnent set of skills to the table.
  • Time management is key. Planning things out with the scrum process was huge in terms of cutting big tasks down into smaller ones and making sure we were on track.
  • Communication is key. If you dont communicate with your team, you will not be able to get anything done. You need to be able to communicate your ideas and thoughts to your team and they need to be able to do the same. If you dont communicate, you will not be able to get anything done.