What I accomplished

Changed posts format

  • Title, descript, and date are centered
  • Delted clutter


  • I changed the color scheme from green to white and silver
  • I spread them out to cut out negative space


  • I added a planner to the blog so I can keep track of my assignments
  • Embedded from Google Calendar
  • Expanded wrapped size

Home page

  • Added a picture of me and friends
  • Added a title


  • Made text larger
  • Put date on top and title in middle
  • Looks more organized and simple to the eye
  • Changed colors

Contact me

  • Added a contact me page
  • Will edit later

What I struggled with


  • PATHS (had to switch to bash to fix my zsh)
  • Learning structure of github pages

Java Notebook

  • JAVA_HOME Path is just not working